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Lovely Girl

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ПишувањеПредмет: Биографија   Биографија EmptyНед Ное 08, 2009 5:54 pm

Мариана Елизабет Еспосито Херера (Лали) е аргентинска глумица.Таа е родена на 10 октомври 1991 година во Буенос Ариес, Аргентина. Има една сестра Ана Лаура и еден брат Патрисио, а додека нејзините родители се викаат Карлос и Хосе Мариа. Лали ја започна својата кариера на десет години во филмот „Rincon de Luz“ како Малена. А после две или една година таа се појави во филмот „Floricienta“ како Роберта. На 14 години се појави со ликот на Агустина во теленовелата Сирачиња. Нејзин последен филм е Скоро Ангели во кој се појави и во трите сезони како Марианела Риналди („Мар“) . Таа создаде свои групи прва и беше Las Pode заедно со Мариа Еухениа Суарез, Кандела Ветрано и Камила Салазар. Подоцна беше создадена и „Los Chichis“ со нејзините најдобри пријатели Тату, Алдана, Ел Рубио, Чапу, Лу и Џанет. Нејзина последна група е „Тин Ангели“ заедно со Мариа Еухениа Суарез, Питер Ланзани, Гастон Далмау и Николас Риера. Мариана својот прекар го доби уште на мали години таа го доби својот прекар Лали по што нејзиниот брат неможел да рече Мари и ја завикал Лали.А заедно со Лусиана Лопилато (Поточно кажано Миа Колучи од Млади Бунтовници) и таа е во модната компанија Promesse. 1.Омилено јадење на Мариана Еспосито- пица 2.Омилен пиалок на Мариана Еспосито- кока-кола 3.Омилено овошје- јаболко 4.Омилена боја-сина 5.Среќен број-девет 6.Омилен цвет-роза 7.Најубава природна појава- кога паѓа снег
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ПишувањеПредмет: Re: Биографија   Биографија EmptyСаб Ное 28, 2009 7:02 pm


Mariana Espósito

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mariana Elizabeth Espósito Herrera[1][2] (born 10 October 1991[1][3]) is an Argentine actress, singer and model. Espósito is the best known of her roles in Rincón de Luz, Floricienta, Chiquititas and Casi Ángeles, and as a member of music group Teen Angels.

Espósito landed her first role in 2003, in television series Rincón de Luz, created and produced by Cris Morena,[4] portraying Malena "Coco" Carbera, a girl who was disguising herself a male.[2][4] A year later, she also participated in another series by Cris Morena, Floricienta, interpreting Roberta.[5] In 2005 Espósito reprised her role of Roberta in a theatre adaptation of Floricienta.[4] She then portrayed Agustina Ross in Chiquititas Sin Fin, a 2006 spin–off of famous series Chiquititas.[4]

In 2007 Espósito landed the role of Marianella "Mar" Rinaldi in television series Casi Ángeles, also created by Morena and produced by her Cris Morena Group, which became one of the most popular series in Argentina and Latin America.[2] She also formed the group Teen Angels with the Casi Ángeles leading cast.[4] In 2008 Espósito made brief appearances in film Diario de una ninfómana and series Padre Casares.[5]
Personal and media life

Espósito was born Mariana Elizabeth Espósito Herrera on 10 October 1991 to Carlos and María José.[4] She was born and raised in Buenos Aires, and has two siblings, Patricio and Ana Laura.[4] Espósito is nicknamed Lali by her family, friends and fans.[4]

Espósito is currently dating her Chiquititas and Casi Ángeles co–star Juan Pedro Lanzani, whom she met at the studio of Chiquititas.[6][7] She also named her Casi Ángeles co–star María Eugenia Suárez her best friend. Espósito is a current spokesperson for fashion brands MBDY Jeans,[8] Promesse[8] and Piñero.[9]
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Simple Girl

Simple Girl

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Биографија Empty
ПишувањеПредмет: Re: Биографија   Биографија EmptyСаб Ное 28, 2009 8:34 pm

филмо графија
Year Title Role Notes
2003 Rincón de Luz Malena "Coco" Carbera
2004 Floricienta Roberta Espinosa
2006 Chiquititas Sin Fin Agustina Ross
2007—present Casi Ángeles Marianella "Mar" Rinaldi Leading Role
2008 Padre Casares Herself Guest Appearance
Year Title Role Adaptation of
2003 Rincón de Luz Malena "Coco" Carbera Rincón de Luz
2005 Floricienta Roberta Espinosa Floricienta
2006 Chiquititas Agustina Ross Chiquititas
2007 Casi Ángeles Marianella "Mar" Rinaldi Casi Ángeles
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Lovely Girl

Lovely Girl

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Биографија Empty
ПишувањеПредмет: Re: Биографија   Биографија EmptyСаб Дек 19, 2009 4:06 pm

-Nombres: Mariana
-Segundo Nombre: Elizabeth
-Apellido: Esposito
-Fecha de Nacimiento: 10/10/91
-Lugar de Nacimiento: Parque Patricios
-Colegio: San Vicente de Paul
-Color: Azul
-Numero: 9
-Signo: Libra
-Estado Civil: no sabe, no contesta
-Color de Ojos: Marrones
-Color de Pelo: negro!
-Equipo de Futbol: river
-Equipo de Rugbier: Alumni
-Un Deporte: futbol!
-Idiomas: español, ingles.. (?
-Un Auto: mini (L
-Un Animal: gato
-Mascota: siii, una perra =)
-Epoca en la q te gustaria vivir: 80!
-Un Libro: La historia interminable
-Un Programa de tv: SG
-Un dibujo animado: Los Padrinos Magicos
-Una pelicula: Eduardo manos tijeras
-Una flor: rosa roja pasionn
-Un Arbol: almendro
-Una fruta: manzana
-Piercing : no (algun dia, no can?)
-Tatuaje: No
-Un Lugar de vacaciones: Pinamar, Brasil(L)
-Un Pais: Argentina
-Una comida: asado con patatass
-Una Gaseosa: Cocacola
-Una Bebida: licor de melocoton
-Fumas? : No
-Un Postre: ahh chocolinass!!
-Gustos de Helado: vainilla, chocolate
-Tu Banda Preferida: 3 doors down por ejemplo
-Canciones: tantas..!
-Peor Cancion/es: ..ni idea
-Idolos: mi mama.. johnny(L
-Una Revista: caras
-Un diario: ni idea..
-Un Boliche: ns
-Restaurante: Izzaro
-Cabala: simplemente acordarme de algo especial
-Un Perfume: Ella - Emporio Armani
-Tiempo Libre: Flia, amigos
-Cual es el peor defecto de una persona? : ser mentiroso
-Cual es la mayor virtud de una persona? : simplemente estar
-El dia mas feliz: mis 15(LLLL
-El dia mas triste: muerte de mi abuelo..
-Un defecto propio: orguyosa
-Una virtud propia: tener gente a mi lado
-Un buen recuerdo: tantoss..!
-Que te hace llorar? : las discusiones con gente q quiero..
-Que te hace reir? : mi hno..!
-Que te sensibiliza? : ver a alguien mal
-Que no perdonaria nunca? : ..(?
-La mejor palabra: pendejooooooooo
-La peor palabra: cualquiera
-Un miedo: el fracaso
-La mayor desilusion: descubrir q todo es mentira..
-Una Frustracion: buuff..
-Hobbies: actuar, cantar, bailar, salir..
-Un amor imposible: Depp(L
-Tu Gran Amor: Depp!
-A quien odias? : al amorr!
-Un letra: E
-Un dia: domingo(L
-Sos feliz? : re =)
-Como te sentis? : barbara
-Extranias a alguien? : sii..
-Tenes todo planeado? : tantas cosas..!
-A quien le darias un abrazo si lo tuvieras al lado tuyo? : a EL..
-Los ojos de? : euge
-Un regalo q hiciste hechos por ti? : una billetera
-Alguien a quien le debes mucho: flia, aldana, vetrano, suarez,etc..
-Ultima pelicula que viste? : la novia cadaver (:
-Seven up o Sprite? : seven up!
-Tom o Jerry? : tom
-Tenes buen humor? : cuando quiero!
-Cancion que te hace llorar: Ocean Size Love-Leigh Nash
-Cantidad de velas que aparecieron en tu ultimo pastel?: 16
-Amaste tanto a alguien como para llorar? : y sii..
-Eres celosa? : no saben cuanto!
-Cafe o te? : cafe
-Sabanas lisas o con animalitos? : colores
-Lugar para que te besen? : cuello
-Que cambiarias de tu vida?: nada..
-Que es lo que primero miras en un chico? : la boca
-Las tormentas te gustan o te asustan? : las amo
-Has mentido en algo?: mentiras piadosass =))
-Rubios o morochos? : cualquiera
-Sos ordenada? : siii
-Mar o montania? : mar
-Crees en lo sobrenatural? : algo..
-Los amigos son para siempre?: se supone
-Superheroe: catwoman
-Idolo de la infancia: peter pan jaja
-Infancia Feliz o Triste? : felizz!
-Amigable? : muchisimo
-Frase/s: tu envidia es mi progreso (H)
-Estudio o Machete? : depende!
-Materias Preferidas: matematica, fisica
-La mejor ubicacion en el curso: al fondooo!
-Profesor/as copados/as: no hay muchos.. jaja
-Profesores/as Odiosos: la de literaturaaa!
-Un Lugar: pinamar
-Vestimenta: dependee (:
-Apodo/s: Lali, Marianita, Loritha..

re largo fuee..
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Биографија Empty
ПишувањеПредмет: Re: Биографија   Биографија EmptyВто Дек 29, 2009 4:42 pm

Mariana Elizabeth Espósito Herrera(born 10 October 1991) is an Argentine actress, singer and model. Espósito is the best known of her roles in Rincón de Luz, Floricienta, Chiquititas and Casi Ángeles, and as a member of music group Teen Angels.Contents

Espósito landed her first role in 2003, in television series Rincón de Luz, created and produced by Cris Morena,portraying Malena "Coco" Carbera, a girl who was disguising herself a male. A year later, she also participated in another series by Cris Morena, Floricienta, interpreting Roberta. In 2005 Espósito reprised her role of Roberta in a theatre adaptation of Floricienta. She then portrayed Agustina Ross in Chiquititas Sin Fin, a 2006 spin–off of famous series Chiquititas.

In 2007 Espósito landed the role of Marianella "Mar" Rinaldi in television series Casi Ángeles, also created by Morena and produced by her Cris Morena Group, which became one of the most popular series in Argentina and Latin America. She also formed the group Teen Angels with the Casi Ángeles leading cast.

Personal and media life

Espósito was born Mariana Elizabeth Espósito Herrera on 10 October 1991 to Carlos and María José.She was born and raised in Buenos Aires, and has two siblings, Patricio and Ana Laura.Espósito is nicknamed Lali by her family, friends and fans.[4]

Espósito is a current spokesperson for fashion brands MBDY Jeans,Promesseand Piñero.

Year Title Role Notes
2003 Rincón de Luz Malena "Coco" Carbera
2004–05 Floricienta Roberta Espinosa
2006 Chiquititas Sin Fin Agustina Ross
2007–present Casi Ángeles Marianella "Mar" Rinaldi Leading Role
Year Title Role Adaptation of
2003 Rincón de Luz Malena "Coco" Carbera Rincón de Luz
2004–06 Floricienta Roberta Espinosa Floricienta
2006 Chiquititas Agustina Ross Chiquititas
2007–09 Casi Ángeles Marianella "Mar" Rinaldi Casi Ángeles


Soundtrack albums
2003: Rincón de Luz[4]
2004: Floricienta[4]
2006: Chiquititas 2006[4]

Teen Angels
Main article: Teen Angels

^ a b Biography for Mariana Espósito at the Internet Movie Database
^ a b c Mariana Espósito at the TV.com
^ Mariana Espósito at Facebook
^ a b c d e f g h i j k Official Website of Mariana Espósito (ESP)
^ a b Campañas de Mariana Espósito
^ Página Oficial Lali Espósito Internacional
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